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BioGaia is a world leader in probiotic research and development. Our clinically proven probiotics have been supporting the health and well-being of people everywhere, throughout every stage of life, since 1990.

Discover more in our articles

Probiotics for baby: A comprehensive guide

Probiotics for baby: A comprehensive guide

Probiotics for babies, a comprehensive guide for parents. Discover the fascinating world of the baby microbiome and the best ways to build baby gut health.

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Understanding colic: Is my newborn baby crying for a reason?

Understanding colic: Is my newborn baby crying for a reason?

Welcome to our comprehensive parent’s guide on managing colic in newborns and babies. If you’re a parent with a colicky baby, know that you’re not...

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Does my baby have colic or is it gas? Happy baby laying in bed

Gassy baby or colic? Symptoms to look for and how to help

Gassy baby? Could it be colic? While gas and colic may share some similar symptoms, they are different. Learn more plus tips to soothe your...

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Why choose BioGaia's probiotics?

Our clinically proven probiotics support your gut bacteria and overall health and wellbeing.

We have spent over 30 years of research to develop probiotics for your body’s good bacteria.

One daily dose of any of our products contains a minimum of 100 million live bacteria.

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